Monday, June 10, 2013

How To Motivate Yourself to Walk (Regularly)

If you are fit right now, you might say, "I don't need to." Then you are like I was few months ago. Yes we have all heard "creating a healthy lifestyle starts with a habit." Whether you're still in that healthy or "I need to do something about this" stage, it's not too late to start it now. Here are some reasons that I use in motivating myself: 

1.  Clothes dilemma - I was shocked when I couldn't fit in most of my clothes any longer. Then I realized that I gained pounds! What's worse is that I can't hide it even on my pictures, and I have to wear very loose clothes. And definitely, I do not like my family's recent comments and jokes about my waistline. 

2. A stress buster - A drastic lifestyle change can surely take a toll on your health. I always found myself sleepless and could not enjoy the things I used to do like watching my favorite TV shows or movies.

3. A social boost - Having several online friends or connections are good but "real" social interaction are better. Why not combine them? Meet new people or catch up with friends, family, relatives or acquaintances by inviting them for a walk. Last week, I had a great time walking with a former coworker at my local park. Who would not want to have a chat while enjoying a nice view? Having a walk buddy is also a good way to network.  Share that passion while helping each other mutually!

4. It’s green - Instead of spending time on parties or night out, you should invest in your health first. Yeah, we all need a social life but don't forget the healthy ones.  This way, you can stay active without all the calories in it.

5. Discover new places - You can start with your local parks, business districts, schools and shopping centers.  If you want it to be more exciting, visit renowned parks or cities at least once or twice a month.  

6. Want that health back - Last but not the least. I think if you do all the steps above, you will slowly get back on track. I just started few weeks ago and I already noticed that I was becoming less sick.  So that was a good sign!

I usually post my walking activities on Facebook and Twitter. My next plan is to try an app from and compare them. I'll keep you posted! Feel free to leave a comment using one of these accounts: Blogger, Google+, LiveJournal, WordPress, TypePad, AIM or OpenID.

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